Logos and corporate style

The correct use of WebMoney graphic elements will help to attract more customers to use the technology, which will undoubtedly affect the business as a whole. WebMoney Transfer offers web designers to use the provided raster and vector graphic elements

WebMoney logo

Vector file:
Logo on white background EPS, SVG
Logo on blue background EPS, SVG

WebMoney Logo in PNG






WebMoney Logo in SVG

WebMoney Ant symbol in PNG







Buttons, Symbols, Trademarks

We accept WebMoney

We accept Paymer


Symbols for verified members

We recommend our merchants and users to use symbols showing their WM verification status on their web sites. The icon has a link which is hyperlinked to the verification cenre where your potentialclients can check  your WM status. This link is  proof of your identification and part of KYC procedure and helps to increase the reliability of your resource.

The HTML code for the symbol is as follows:

<!-- begin WebMoney Transfer : attestation label --> <a href="https://passport.webmoney.com/asp/certview.asp?wmid=" target=_blank><IMG SRC="attestated.png" title="Here is your WM passport " border="0"><br><font size=1>Check passport</font></a> <!-- end WebMoney Transfer : attestation label -->

The image for this code will look like this:

Check passport

Alternatively you can save (Right-click «Save As») one of the buttons shown below. In the coding instead of Logo/CMblue_en.gif please state the path and a title of the copied button.

Alias WM-Passport

Formal WM-Passport

Initial WM-passport

Personal WM-Passport

Merchant WM-Passport

Capitaller WM-Passport

Transact Automation Tool WM-Passport

Developer WM-Passport

Registrar WM-Passport

WebMoney Guarantor WM-Passport

WebMoney Service WM-Passport

WebMoney Operator WM-Passport

WebMoney video

December 2016  Download

March 2017  Download

June 2017  Download

December 2017  Download